MM ultra-bandpass fused coupler
Source: Idealphotonics,Inc   Publish Time: 2014-05-21 19:55   1297 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px

Multi-Mode Ultra-bandpass fused fiber coupler released

2013-4,Shanghai-Idealphotonics,inc Multi-mode fused fiber coupler fabrication is always challenged .In the past, we developed 850nm or 1300nm multi-mode fiber fused coupler , however we have to care that the laser source for we developed should be the same the laser source what customer tested, otherwise its mode diversity will degrade the performance.
Currently we released the ultra-bandpass fused coupler which working wavelength is from 600-1600nm, its operation does not depend on the laser source configuration.It will be widely accepted for academic customers who do the experiment covering  wavelength with VIS, NIR and C+L band.
Further product information:
Manufacturer:Idealphotonics Shanghai
Contact Person:Brook Bai
Company: Idealphotonics,Inc
Address: Chundu Road NO.358 Minhang District, Shanghai
ZIP / City: 201108 Shanghai