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Visible optical isolator
Visible optical isolator
Visible light free space isolator 400-2000nm
This new type of visible light isolator is used to protect light sources from back reflection. Backreflection can damage the laser source or cause mode hopping, amplitude modulation, or frequency shift. In high-power applications, back reflection can also cause instability and power spikes. Our visible light isolator is a passive optical device that preferentially transmits light in a single direction, shielding the back reflection of upstream optical components. It is polarization related.
Product PN# product name edition Other parameters
OEVWI-100-FS Visible light free space isolator 400-2000nm 自由空间 Add Inquiry
High power polarization dependent free space isolator 461/689/813 nm (rotator/rotator)
High power polarization dependent free space isolator 461/689/813 nm (rotator/rotator) HPDFSI series
Product PN# product name Center wavelength (λ c) polarization rotation angle, λc, 23 ℃ Beam diameter Other parameters
HPDFSI-461-4-H-C High power polarization dependent free space isolator 461nm (rotator/rotator) 461,689 or 813 nm 45 ± 3 3.7 Add Inquiry