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FemtoSecond Laser
1050nm high-power single cavity dual comb femtosecond pulse laser at 1GHz 100fs 2W
This 1050nm high-power single cavity dual comb femtosecond pulse laser (1 GHz) is an ideal tool for testing dual comb spectra and ranging. The system generates a pair of mode-locked femtosecond lasers (optical frequency combs) with slightly different pulse repetition rates. In the time domain, optical delay rapidly sweeps through the range of 1 nanosecond at a very high speed. In the frequency domain, the beat sound between each pair of comb lines is generated through heterodyne detection. Due to the high repetition rate, high power per comb line was obtained. Through a novel shared cavity structure, our system can easily achieve ultra-low noise in free running operation. Moreover, laser pairs are passively stable and exhibit highly correlated intensity, timing, and phase noise between two comb like structures. Due to having only one laser cavity and no high-speed locking electronics or optical amplification, most of the complexity of traditional dual comb and ASOPS systems is eliminated, while providing small footprint and excellent performance.
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Pulse duration (pulse width) Repetition frequency Other parameters
K2-1050-1000-100 1050nm high-power single cavity dual comb femtosecond pulse laser 1050 <100 fs 1 GHz Add Inquiry
Multi color single cavity dual comb pump probe laser<200fs 80MHz 525/800/1050/1600nm
This multi-color pump detection solution system is an ideal tool for fast pump probe sampling applications. This system is an integrated multi-color optical sampling solution. The core of this system is a pair of femtosecond lasers with slightly different pulse repetition rates. Both of these lasers are produced using a new single shared cavity structure. Due to this characteristic, the noise of the two pulse sequences is highly correlated, achieving ultra-low relative timing jitter below the optical period without any active feedback Compared with traditional ASOPS systems, this feature not only improves performance, but also greatly reduces the complexity of the solution. Effective wavelength conversion is provided by an optical parametric oscillator (OPO); For stable and non aligned operation, OPO is constructed in the same housing as the laser.
Product PN# product name Pulse duration (pulse width) repetition frequency Other parameters
Multi-color K2 Multi color single cavity dual comb pump probe laser<200fs 80MHz 525/800/1050/1600nm <200 fs 80 MHz Add Inquiry
Femtosecond pulse compressor unipolar/bipolar unit (maximum average power 100W)
Femtosecond pulse compressors are compatible with any repetition rate and on-demand pulse laser system, operate stably 24/7, integrate simply with existing laser systems, have no active optical components, no mechanical moving parts, require no maintenance, and can operate in harsh environments such as dust or vibration
Single cycle infrared femtosecond pulse light source 1.2-3.0um 10fs 250mW 10nJ
ALBATROSS is an excellent light source that generates single period light at the repetition rate of a laser oscillator. It can effectively drive disturbance nonlinearity. A NIR-IR waveform with more than 3 octaves is a striking proof of its potential. Diode laser pumping generates ultra-low noise in field amplitude and CEP, resulting in high waveform fidelity. It is very suitable for exploring infrared photoelectrons on a sub periodic time scale. Modular extensions for electric field sampling, ultra wideband mid infrared generation, and ultra-low noise external amplification for all output waveforms (all in preparation) will advance field resolved infrared spectroscopy and pave the way for MHz rate attosecond experiments.
Product PN# product name Working wavelength Output power Pulse duration Other parameters
ALBATROSS 1.2-3.0 µ m single cycle infrared pulse light source 1.2-3.0µm 250 mW 10 fs Add Inquiry
Ytterbium doped femtosecond seed source fiber laser module 1033nm 20mW (spectral bandwidth ≥ 10nm ≤ 300fs)
飞秒种子源( Ytterbium-doped Femtosecond Fiber Laser Module 1033nm 20mW )
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Output power Pulse width Repetition frequency Other parameters
YFFLM-30-6-50-20-L-03-L-2 Ytterbium doped femtosecond seed source fiber laser module 1033nm 20mW pulse width 6ps 1033nm 20mW 6ps 50MHz Add Inquiry
Fluence series all fiber femtosecond laser 1030nm 0.8-30W
This is not a regular laser, but a superhero in a laser oscillator. It possesses special superpowers that stand out among oscillators. Small in size, but very stable and sturdy. Even if the earth trembles, the laser can still work as usual. The same power, the same pulse, has not degraded for many years. Let's take a look at this Fluence oscillator - it is a SESAM free, all fiber, ultrafast laser.
SOPRANO series femtosecond laser 1310nm 20-300fs 60mW 30MHz
The new SOPRANO mini femtosecond laser from Cycle GmbH is an ideal solution for various applications. Its customized wavelength output is about 1310nm, with a pulse duration between 20fs and 300fs, making it suitable for specific applications in semiconductor and detector testing. For example, OBIC imaging is one of them.
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Repetition frequency Other parameters
SOPRANO-mini SOPRANO Mini Femtosecond Laser - Testing Semiconductor/Detector, 1310nm 20fs-300fs 1310nm和1700nm 30 MHz Add Inquiry
GLOphotonics Fastlas Novel Hollow Fiber Femtosecond Laser Pulse Width Compressor 343nm 1ps-30fs
GLOphotonics Fastlas' new hollow fiber femtosecond laser pulse width compressor is a highly promising nonlinear pulse compressor in the market, with shorter pulses.
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Average power Pulse width Other parameters
GLOphotonics Fastlas GLOphotonics Fastlas Novel Hollow Fiber Femtosecond Laser Pulse Width Compressor 343nm, Compression Ratio: 5 343nm 1W 50fs Add Inquiry
Alpha SRS coherent Raman multi-color laser source 750-950nm (ultra-low noise fully automatic laser system)
Alpha SRS is an ultra-low noise and fully automated laser system developed specifically for coherent Raman scattering microscopy. Based on solid-state femtosecond technology, this multi-color system reaches the limit of shot noise at modulation frequencies of 1 MHz and above. Provides adjustable radiation in the range of 750-950nm and 1.4-2.0um, as well as a spectral fixed beam at 1043nm, making it ideal for coherent Raman microscopy in the range of 1015-3695cm-1 and multiphoton excitation microscopy. By utilizing customizable pulse durations ranging from a few hundred femtoseconds to picoseconds, efficient excitation and spectral resolution as low as 13 cm-1 have become possible.
Product PN# product name Tuning range Average power Repetition rate Other parameters
Alpha-SRS Alpha SRS Coherent Raman Multi Color Laser Source 750 - 950nm 250 mW 75 MHz Add Inquiry
4.5-16 µ m mid infrared femtosecond pulse laser 1/30/80mW 350-500fs
The Stuttgart mid infrared femtosecond pulse laser extends the tuning range of Alpha HP wavelength to 16 µ m. Provide an average power of tens of milliwatts between 5 and 12 µ m, and obtain several milliwatts of power at a wavelength of 16 µ m. Pumped by the Stuttgart instrument Alpha HP, this laser provides pulses with limited transformation while maintaining excellent wavelength and power stability of its pump source.
Product PN# product name Wavelength tunable range pulse width Other parameters
Stuttgart-Instruments-Alpha -HP-VIS 4.5-16 µ m mid infrared femtosecond pulse laser 350-500 fs 4.5-16um 350-500fs Add Inquiry
1035nm Primus high-power femtosecond oscillator Primus
Our 1035 nm Primus high-power femtosecond oscillator provides high average output power and excellent low noise level, achieving a shot noise limit of over 300 kHz. The entire device (including the pump diode) is enclosed in a solid-state water-cooled housing, thus possessing long-term stability and robustness against external disturbances.
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Output power Pulse width Repetition frequency Other parameters
Stuttgart-Instruments-Primus 1035nm Primus high-power femtosecond oscillator Primus 1035±10nm >6W < 550 fs 40MHz Add Inquiry
0.7-0.98um visible femtosecond pulse laser 10-100MHz>500mW Stuttgart Alpha MIR-VIS
The 0.7-0.98 µ m visible femtosecond pulse laser is a compact fully automatic laser from Alpha (- HP). It provides several hundred milliwatts of energy in the spectral range of 700-980nm, which is typically only available in titanium sapphire lasers. The CNC module is installed in the Alpha HP casing and can be upgraded at any time. This laser has a separate output port, which can be bypassed if high output power of Alpha (- HP) is required. Therefore, the system provides great flexibility and the use of output beams. This module can be controlled through a user-friendly Alpha Tune GUI, providing automatic adjustment and output optimization functions.
Product PN# product name Tunable range Output power Pulse width Repetitive frequency Other parameters
Stuttgart-Alpha-MIR-VIS 0.7-0.98 µ m visible femtosecond pulse laser 700-980nm >500mW 250-350fs 10-100MHz Add Inquiry
1560nm band high-power femtosecond pulse fiber laser 1W 120fs 80MHz
The E-Fiber series high-power ultrafast laser integrates new femtosecond laser technology, using high-performance rare earth fiber as the working medium, combined with high-precision dispersion compensation technology and active servo control system, to achieve stable output of 1.5 μ m femtosecond pulse laser with an average power of 1 watt. One click auto start and long-term stable operation, with the characteristics of extremely narrow laser pulses and high peak optical power. It has a wide range of applications in optical frequency comb, supercontinuum spectrum, terahertz THz and other fields.
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Output power Pulse width Repetition frequency Other parameters
PSPL-1560-120-1000-80-FS-B 1560nm band high-power femtosecond pulse fiber laser 1560nm 1W <120fs 80 MHz Add Inquiry
1560nm high repetition rate femtosecond pulse fiber laser with a pulse width of 10mW, 500fs, 200MHz
The E-Fiber series ultrafast laser integrates new femtosecond laser technology, using high-performance rare earth fiber as the working medium, combined with high-precision dispersion compensation technology and active servo system, to achieve stable output of high repetition rate femtosecond pulse laser in the 1560nm band. One click auto start, long-term stable operation and maintenance free, with the characteristics of extremely narrow laser pulses and high peak pulse power, widely used in optical frequency comb, supercontinuum spectrum, terahertz THz and other fields.
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Output power Pulse width Repetition frequency Other parameters
PSPL-1560-500-10-200-PM-B 1560nm high repetition rate femtosecond pulse fiber laser 1560nm 10mW 500 fs 200MHz Add Inquiry
Femtosecond pulse fiber laser 1030nm pulse width less than 200fs 25MHz 60mW
UFL 1030 Femto is based on UFL 1550 OEM The miniaturized structural version developed on the platform has highly integrated and compact optical and circuit structures, making it suitable for industrial or OEM commercial system integration users. The UFL 1030 Femto has a flexible range of performance parameter selection, with a typical output wavelength of 1030 ± 5 nm and a repetition rate range of 25 ± 1 MHz, with pulse widths as low as 200 fs or less.
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Pulse width Repetition frequency Other parameters
UFL 1030 Femto Femtosecond fiber laser 1030nm 1030nm <200fs 25MHz Add Inquiry
<100fs or<200fs, 100W amplified mode-locked femtosecond oscillator laser 1035nm
This oscillator features a compact, high-power, high repetition rate femtosecond laser source with outstanding beam quality, high average power, and<100fs Pulse duration of 2ps (please specify). The mode-locked oscillator pulse is formed by generating clean sech ^ 2 type pulses through optical soliton mode locking, which are amplified to a level of>50W or>100W.
Product PN# product name Average output power Maximum pulse energy Pulse duration Other parameters
M-FEMTO-100W-100-150-PR150 <100fs or<200fs, 100W amplified mode-locked femtosecond oscillator laser 1035nm [M-EMTO PR150] 50 … 100W nJ ... uJ < 100 fs … 2 ps Add Inquiry
<100 fs or<400 fs femtosecond ytterbium doped Yb mode-locked fiber laser 1030nm/1045nm
Developed for academic research, this integrated femtosecond laser oscillator is based on a diode pumped ytterbium doped solid-state laser, which is pumped by an external fiber coupled laser diode. Clean sech ^ 2 type pulses are formed through optical soliton mode locking.
780nm high-power ultrafast femtosecond fiber laser<120fs 80MHz
The 780nm femtosecond ultrafast laser developed by Xiaoxiao Photon can output a 780nm free space laser beam with a power greater than 0.4W, a pulse width less than 120fs, and a near diffraction limit. The 24-hour power stability can reach<5%., For the current high level in the industry. This product adopts a high-power, high-performance multi-mode pump source and a fully polarization maintaining structure all fiber system. The power supply, control part, and optical system are highly integrated, providing users with an easy-to-use turnkey laser system.
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Average power Pulse width Other parameters
PL-FUFL-03-D1-120-PA 780nm 300mw 5nJ 120fs femtosecond ultrafast laser 780nm 300mw 120fs Add Inquiry
1050nm high-power single cavity dual comb femtosecond pulse laser 200fs 80MHz 2W
This high-power dual comb laser is an ideal tool for pump probe measurement (ASOPS) and dual comb spectroscopy. The system provides a pair of almost identical femtosecond lasers with slightly different pulse repetition rates. This difference means that the relative optical delay between pulse sequences is rapidly scanned over time. Through a novel shared cavity architecture, our system is able to achieve ultra-low intensity and timing noise during free operation. The passive stability of this laser makes it an ideal choice for sampling applications: it only has a compact laser cavity and does not require high-speed locking electronics. This eliminates most of the complexity of traditional ASOPS and dual comb systems, while improving noise performance and reducing footprint.
Product PN# product name Center wavelength Repetition frequency Other parameters
K2-1050-80-200 1050nm high-power single cavity dual comb laser (80MHz) 1050nm 80 MHz Add Inquiry
FEMTO30 femtosecond laser 1030nm 30W 160 µ J< 700fs
FEMTO by Fiberryst is a series of powerful industrial femtosecond lasers with an output power of up to 30W, pulse energy exceeding 160 µ J, and pulse width shorter than 700fs. The Femto series is based on Taranis technology and can achieve high pulse energy and flexible repetition rate to meet the requirements of high-yield and high-energy applications. The unique and compact packaging structure provides excellent reliability and beam quality. The product accepts customization.
Product PN# product name Wavelength Output Power Pulse Width Other parameters
FEMTO30 FEMTO femtosecond laser 1030nm average power 30W Taranis 1030nm 30W 700fs Add Inquiry