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Diffraction Grating
Diffraction Grating
Pulse compression grating
The pulse compression grating is the core component of chirped pulse amplification technology (CPA), located at the end of energy amplification in strong laser systems. The improvement of the optical efficiency and damage threshold of the pulse compression grating plays a crucial role in enhancing the energy and peak power of the strong laser beam. The pulse compression grating provided by Xiaoxiao Photon covers applications in the range of 700-3000nm.
Product PN# product name Wavelength Deviation Minimum Efficiency Other parameters
PC 0600 25x25x6 NIR 800nm pulse compression grating 800nm 8Deg 29% Add Inquiry
PC 0900 30x30x6 NIR 1032nm pulse compression grating 1032nm 8Deg 90% Add Inquiry
PC 0600 30x30x6 1550 nm 1550nm pulse compression grating 1550nm 10Deg 90% Add Inquiry
Laser tuning efficient diffraction holographic planar grating
Laser tunable grating is a holographic grating designed specifically for wavelength tuning of lasers, such as dye lasers, titanium sapphire lasers, or external cavity diode lasers. The groove depth has been optimized to achieve the highest efficiency for one polarization state.