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CMOS camera
Near infrared CMOS digital camera CONTOUR-IR 400-1700nm
Near infrared CMOS digital camera with USB 2.0 interface, designed for use on personal computers or laptops. The USB 2.0 interface has a data transfer rate of up to 400 Mbps, allowing us to flexibly manipulate images in real-time on computers, even with frame formats set at millions of pixels. The camera adopts the latest CMOS sensor, which improves the sensitivity of the camera. Each camera unit contains a micro lens and cascaded enhancement. The camera is connected to the computer via a USB cable during use. This camera is widely used in fields such as science, medicine, and industry (such as technical equipment, machine vision, microscopy interfaces, measurement cameras, astronomical cameras, etc.).
Product PN# product name Working wavelength Field of view Signal to noise ratio Other parameters
Count-IR Near infrared CMOS digital camera 400-1700nm 400-1700nm 25度 48 dB Add Inquiry