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Praseodymium doped fiber ASE light source
Praseodymium doped fiber ASE light source
O-band ASE amplified spontaneous emission light source 1280-1320nm 1/6.3mW
ASE-1300-01 and ASE-FL7611 are O-band ASE light sources used in the 1.3 μ m wavelength band. Using Pr doped fluoride fiber, a Max of 8dBm was achieved in the wavelength range of 1270-1330nm Output power. The polarization degree (DOP) of ASE light sources is lower than that of superluminescent diodes (SLDs), making them particularly useful in tests and measurements that require low DOP. This ASE light source has high spectral density, stable output power, and stable spectrum; Allow users to perform various measurements with high signal-to-noise ratio and high accuracy.
Product PN# product name Working wavelength Output power Other parameters
ASE-1300-01 O-band ASE light source (1280-1320nm 1mW) 1280 to 1320nm ≥ +0 dBm (1 mW) Add Inquiry
ASE-FL7611 O-band ASE light source (1280-1320nm 6.3 mW) 1280 to 1320nm ≥ +8 dBm (6.3 mW) Add Inquiry