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Near-IR display card
Laser Fluorescence Display Card
This laser phosphorescence display product can display UV, VISIBLE, and IR laser beams, which are safe, reliable, and have excellent performance. Even when invisible light hits it, the beam can still be seen, reducing the difficulty of presenting, outlining, and positioning invisible light beams. All wavelengths are available in three styles: credit card chips can be used on low-power light sources and can only be observed through reflection; The wafer packaging type (diameter 25mm) is used in situations where frequent positioning of components is required. By moving the base to adjust the optical path and path length, precise positioning can be achieved; The tube packaging has a lot of space.
Product PN# product name Spectral response range Peak response wavelength Sensing area Card size Other parameters
VIR-NIR1600 VIR-NIR1600 High Efficiency Pulse Laser Fluorescence Display Card (790-840nm/870-1070nm/1500-1590nm) 790 - 840 nm 870 - 1070 nm 1500 - 1590 nm 980nm 42x23mm 86 x 54mm Add Inquiry