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Dispersion compensation grating
Dispersion compensation grating
Dispersion compensated fiber grating
In fiber optic communication systems, dispersion effects must be corrected for data rates above 10Gb/s. Xiaoxiao Photon's OEDCG-100 dispersion compensated grating filter has the characteristics of compact structure, low insertion loss, and customizable dispersion slope. Our unique fiber Bragg grating toe cutting technology enables us to manufacture dispersion compensated grating filters with high isolation, low sidelobes, and low ripple.
Product PN# product name Wavelength FWHM bandwidth Dispersion compensation Insertion loss Other parameters
OEDCG-100-1550-0.5-AT-C2 1550nm dispersion compensated fiber grating 1550nm 0.5nm 700ps/nm <0.5dB Add Inquiry
OEDCG-100-1565-1.0-AT-C2 1565nm dispersion compensated fiber grating 1565nm 1.0nm 700ps/nm <0.5dB Add Inquiry