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PCF fiber
PCF fiber
Large broadband mid infrared (1.5-10 μ m) photonic crystal fiber
Microphotons has launched a series of photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) suitable for the mid infrared band (1.5-10 μ m), including single-mode, highly nonlinear PCFs, and more. At the same time, we can provide customized options such as multi-mode photonic crystal fibers, polarization maintaining photonic crystal fibers, etc. (in which the core diameter and numerical aperture will be changed). FC/PC connectors and 3mm armor sleeves can be added.
Product PN# product name Working band range Typical attenuation value Core diameter Cladding diameter Typical numerical aperture Other parameters
MP-AsSe-SM1 Mid infrared full band single-mode photonic crystal fiber MP-ASsE-SM1 3-9μm 2.5dB/m @1.55μm、α<1dB/m @5-9μm 13μm 125μm 0.4@5um Add Inquiry